Tag Archives: Valentine’s Day

Rosebud’s Sugar Cookies
I had an unexpected surprise the other day. I was emptying out my email and found an old one that my mother had sentView full post »

Dark Chocolate Cherry Fondue
Ah, Valentine’s Day. The yearly love-it or hate-it kind of holiday. Oddly enough, I’veView full post »

Red Velvet White Chocolate Chip Cookies
The other day I was getting ready to head over to my friend Jill’s house to watch a movie. She’s aView full post »

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Sugar Cookies
Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you are all enjoying your day, enjoying the things that you love the most. I thoughtView full post »

Cherry Almond Brownie Bites
Here is decadent dessert #2 in my line-up of Valentine’s Day treats. THIS is what I call celebrating ValentineView full post »