Tag Archives: kale

Summer Vegetable Chowder
I’m completely pumped about my balcony tomato plants. Finally..finally…they are starting to produceView full post »

Cheesy Polenta with Caramelized Onion, Mushroom, Kale, and Egg
There’s this amazing brunch place in Milwaukee that is thankfully within walking distance from my apartmentView full post »

Butternut Squash Kale Lasagna
Hearty. Filling. Cheesy. Satisfying. I’m describing this lasagna. It’s a good one. A keeper ofView full post »

Broken Yolk Sandwiches with Garlicky Kale
Sometimes you just have to dive, face-first, into some real comfort food. Some people find solace in a giant bowlView full post »

Minestrone Soup
There’s something incredibly satisfying about using up a whole bunch of random ingredients at one timeView full post »

Baked Eggs with Tomato and Kale
Happy December! I don’t think you can ever go wrong with a little breakfast for dinner. IView full post »

Fettucine with Seared Tomatoes and Why I am Single
There’s some quote (or possibly many quotes) out there that talk a lot about challenges being placed inView full post »

White Bean and Kale Soup
This soup, well, it’s my soul food. It’s my favorite soup to make on a rainy night. Or snowyView full post »

Harissa Spaghetti
If you try any recipe from this humble blog, you should truly consider this one. It’s probably in my top 3View full post »

Cajun Kale Chips
I make kale chips several times a month. And it’s one of those things that I make slightly differently everyView full post »