Tag Archives: eggs

“BLT” Ranch Deviled Eggs
I’m a deviled egg kind of girl. Really. But I’ve known plenty of people who are not. I understand whyView full post »

Baked Eggs with Tomato and Kale
Happy December! I don’t think you can ever go wrong with a little breakfast for dinner. IView full post »

Eggs Sardou
Take some nice artichokes, spinach, poached eggs, and creamy hollandaise sauce…and what do you get?View full post »

Southwestern “Falafel” with Poached Egg
This is going to be short post. I’m typing this almost completely one-handed. Why? Because IView full post »

Breakfast Soft Tacos
Okay. Okay. I get it. Mexican cuisine for breakfast is pretty amazing. I mean, the king of MexicanView full post »

Not-So-Devilish Deviled Eggs
If you are like me or any one of my various family members, a cook-out is not considered complete withoutView full post »

Classic Pad Thai
I have Lukas to thank for transforming my kitchen into a place of adventure and firsts for me recently. (i.eView full post »

Eggs Benedict Florentine with Creamy Butter Sauce
If you follow this blog, then you know by now my love for Eggs Benedict. I love it. But, I don’t necessarilyView full post »

Cajun Cauliflower Hash with Soft Boiled Eggs
I’m having a love affair with cauliflower. Suddenly, I’m realizing that I’ve missed out on thisView full post »

Huevos Rancheros in Tortilla Cups
And this recipe pretty much sums up things that I have in my fridge or pantry at all times: eggs, beans, randomView full post »

Cheese and Chive Scrambled Eggs
Growing up, I have to say that both my mom and dad were expert scrambled egg-makers. In fact, scrambled eggs wereView full post »

Cream Cheese and Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs
It’s Easter season. Which equals lots of hard-boiled eggs. If you are a fan of deviled eggs (which I know notView full post »

California Eggs Benedict
Recently I went to San Diego for a week-long conference for work. We were all so excited to leave theView full post »

Egg and Cheese Tartlets
New Year’s Eve had me running a temperature and fending off the worst head cold I have had in a very longView full post »

Open Faced Egg Salad Sandwiches
I’m suddenly realizing the value in taking the pressure off things. And when I say things, I mean “View full post »