Tag Archives: cheddar

Welsh Rarebit
This is one of those dishes that had always caught my eye in the past. A mixture of cream, cheese, and beer drizzledView full post »

Cheddar Ale Soup
So this isn’t a “light” recipe. This isn’t one to have before you are going on aView full post »

Broccoli Cheddar Soup
Are you familiar with Panera’s Broccoli Cheddar soup? Well, I used to be. I got it every time I went to Panera (View full post »

Cheddar Sriracha Swirl Bread
Sriracha. Otherwise known as “that spicy rooster sauce.” Are you familiar? You can find it in a lot ofView full post »

Cheddar Scallion Cornbread
I suppose it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t post a cornbread recipe to go with the chili I posted the otherView full post »

Mini Mac and Cheese Pies and a Virtual Baby Shower
I’m relatively new to the blogging world. New to who’s who in the blogging world, the traditions, theView full post »

White Cheddar Garlic Biscuits
Yep, these are just like THOSE cheesy garlic biscuits from a well-known American seafood restaurant chain. Except theyView full post »

Deconstructed Egg and Cheese Sandwiches
You know when you find a recipe and immediately think, “I must make this tonight”…even if it meansView full post »

Cheddar Soda Bread
Remember the Baked Potato Soup from the other day? Well, this is the bread that must go with it. Yes, it’s moreView full post »

Four Cheese Fondue
If you know me at all (or if you read this blog regularly), then you will know that I love cheese. LOVE. CHEESE. AllView full post »

Cream Biscuits with Cheddar and Herbs
You must make these. As I was driving home from work one day, I got a sudden craving for some sort of warm, flakyView full post »