Roasted Balsamic Beet Salad



My vacuum cleaner broke today.  It happened when I was in one of those spontaneous “must clean everything” bursts of energy that come so rarely to me.  I could be sitting here, reading a nice book, when all of a sudden I feel the little prickly twinges of, dare I say, excitement?  To clean?  (Unless those prickly twinges are actually tiny little dust bunnies floating around…hey, living in a 2-bedroom apartment with three animals and my own head of hair which is rapidly shedding can produce insane quantities of dust.  It’s gross.)

Regardless, I did laundry and actually put it away instead of folding it and then putting it back in the hamper because I’m too lazy to put it away in its proper place.  I dusted, including moving everything off my dresser and wiping the whole thing down instead of lightly dusting around things.  I wiped every nook and cranny of counter space with bleach.  I ran the dishwasher.  I swept the floor and made giant piles of dirt (including one lonely kibble of Scout’s food…which she quickly discovered and ate before I could stop her).  And then it happened.  The vacuum sputtered and squealed and just….died.

Now, this vacuum has been with me for almost ten years now, I think.  It’s moved across the country…to 5 different apartments/houses, and I’m sure it’s been badly bruised in the process.  I did have to completely disassemble it last year (thank God for instructional YouTube videos) when a piece got clogged (don’t ask), so I thought I could figure it out again.  But about a month ago, a little belt broke on it…and today it just gave up all hope for life.  It hadn’t had the suction of a thousand tornadoes like it was supposed to anyways.  The old girl bit the dust…..literally.

After a stream of expletives, I just decided to go get a new one. Within a half hour, I was back home, assembling the latest and greatest vacuum (the suction of a million tornadoes, maybe?) with an obscene amount of Target gift cards that I had received as part a promotional deal for buying the vacuum (score).  The good news?  It works like a charm.  The bad news?  I realized how poorly of a job the previous one had been doing when I emptied the canister in the trash.  But now I feel all clean and dust-free.    It’s nice.

On to the salad.  Beets.  Roasted beets.  I had never been a big fan of beets until about a year ago when I made this.  Recently, I was having brunch with a friend, and he decided to order a roasted beet salad for us to share.  I decided to make my own a few weeks later when I found myself having an odd craving for it.  I found this recipe and knew that a balsamic-maple reduction would be a perfect way to sweeten up the beets and serve as a salad dressing at the same time.  I used a combination of both golden and red beets here (use whatever you can get your hands on), chopped Marcona almonds (use whatever kind of nut you like…I think the original salad I had used toasted hazelnuts), and omit the cheese if you want a vegan version.  Serve the salad with the beets hot or cold (however you like it).  I liked mine a little warm.

They say (and by “they”, I don’t know who “they” are-it’s just the collective “they” that everyone uses) that beets are really super good for you. Apparently they help your liver detoxify your blood better.  Which is good because I am on a mean cleaning streak right now.




Roasted Balsamic Beet Salad

Servings: 4



For the beets:

About 3-4 pounds beets (I used two bunches-the beet sizes varied. I also used a mixture of red and golden beets here).

2 teaspoons salt

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1/3 cup balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon maple syrup

For the salad:

5-6 cups mixed greens (use whatever you like here)

1/2 cup chopped Marcona almonds

1/2 cup crumbled goat cheese

Flaky sea salt, to taste

Additional balsamic vinegar for drizzling over the salad, if desired





1. For the beets:  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and line a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil; set aside.

2. Peel the beets and chop them into 1-inch cubes.

3. In a medium bowl, toss the beets with the olive oil and salt.

4. Evenly spread the beets on the rimmed baking sheet and bake until the beets are softened and cooked through, about 30 minutes, flipping them over halfway through the baking time.  Let cool slightly before handling.

5. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan over medium-low heat, combine the balsamic vinegar and the maple syrup.  Cook the mixture over medium-low heat until it has thickened and has reduced to about half.  (It took mine about 5-6 minutes or so.) Remove the mixture from the heat and set aside.

6. Once the beets have cooled enough for you to touch them, transfer them to a bowl and lightly toss them with the balsamic vinegar/maple syrup mixture, until the beets are coated thoroughly.

7. For the salads:  Divide the salad greens evenly between your salad bowls.  Top each salad with a generous portion of the beets, sprinkling each salad with the almonds and goat cheese. Season with sea salt and drizzle with a little more balsamic vinegar, if desired.


Source:  Beets slightly adapted from Once Upon a Chef.



June 10, 2013 - 7:19 am

Christina - I opened this post and both of my girls (ages: young) said, “Ooooooh!” Can’t wait to enjoy this with the whole family. Thanks!

June 10, 2013 - 10:02 am

srlacy - Oh, that’s super sweet! It must be all the colors! I hope they like it!

June 10, 2013 - 6:17 pm

Anne ~ Uni Homemaker - I love beats and this is such a pretty salad. Your photos are gorgeous too. Lovely post.

June 10, 2013 - 8:50 pm

mr. & Mrs. P - Beautiful looking salad!!! Love the bright colors

June 10, 2013 - 11:02 pm

Moira - I fell in love with beets after randomly getting some in a CSA basket. I roasted them in desperation, not knowing what else to do with them, and they were delicious. This looks like a great way to use them-especially combined with the balsamic! Yum 🙂

June 11, 2013 - 1:52 pm

Maria Tadic - This looks so pretty! I love adding beets to salads. Lately they’ve made appearance in every one! Will try your dressing next time!

June 12, 2013 - 4:16 pm

Fred - Great looking salad and beautiful photos!

November 20, 2013 - 11:26 pm

Salad #32 - Roasted Yellow Beet Salad with Feta - | - […] (Adapted from The Curvy Carrot’s Roasted Balsamic Beet Salad) […]

January 6, 2014 - 9:01 am

20 Sensational Healthy Salads - A Family Feast - […] Roasted Balsamic Beets Salad – The Curvy Carrot […]

April 3, 2014 - 5:57 am

haneats - […] (adapted from here) […]

April 3, 2014 - 5:59 am

four fun lunch salads | haneats - […] (adapted from here) […]

Strawberry Gazpacho



Cold soups kind of give me the heebie-jeebies.   I don’t have the appreciation I probably should have for them.  I have never been a fan of drinking my calories in the way of juices and all that jazz, so a cold soup, in my opinion, is a little like a smoothie in a bowl.  But hot soups?  That’s the epitome of comfort right there.  Warm fuzzies all the way down into your belly.  I decided when I was five that I was a fan of this thing called soup because of Violet Beauregard’s lovely description of tomato soup before she became a human blueberry.  So then soup kind of got stuck in the part of my brain that loves anything related to nostalgia…especially the old school Gene Wilder version of Willy Wonka.

Why I just transitioned from cold soups to Willy Wonka?  I have no idea.

Regardless, summer comes around and cold soups are the thing.  I’ll admit it, I want to prove my judging, callous mind wrong when it comes to these things.  I should like them.  I like all the things that go in them.  I mostly eat vegan until about 6pm everyday anyways, so a cold gazpacho just serves as another opportunity to get my 5-a-day. (Or 10).  I made this version a year or so ago (my goodness, how time flies…) with the standard tomato base, which was delicious and refreshing in the 90-degree heat wave of New Hampshire last summer.  But I recently discovered that gazpacho doesn’t just have to be made with tomatoes.  How about strawberries instead?

Begrudgingly, I decided to go for it.  And by going for it, I went to the grocery store twice with the intention of preparing it when I got home.  I bought a lot of strawberries.  But then I decided that I was a little too weirded out by the concept still and ate all the ingredients over the next few days.  Twice.  Finally, on a weeknight, (and feeling, shall I say?  risky?) I went full-steam ahead and made it.  It took less than 20 minutes to make, and I was blown away by how great this was.  It was light, healthy, and it actually kept me full for several hours.

Now, here’s the thing.  I think that the lime-yogurt on top makes this dish.  But if you want to veganize this, just omit it completely or use an appropriate vegan substitute for the yogurt.  A nice sprinkling of flaky sea salt is a must, too.  Add in what you like, omit what you don’t.  I wanted a bit of spice, so I added in a couple of teaspoons of chopped jalapeño.  This dish is totally up to you.

No more heebie-jeebies.




Strawberry Gazpacho

Servings: 4



2 pounds strawberries, hulled and halved (about 5 cups)

1 mango, peeled and chopped (about 1 cup)

1/2 cup red bell pepper, chopped (about half of one large pepper)

1 large shallot, chopped

1-2 teaspoons jalapeño, chopped (or how much you like)

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons cilantro, plus more for garnish

¼ cup lime juice, divided (plus more to taste)

4 teaspoons agave nectar, divided

½ cup nonfat Greek yogurt

Flaky sea salt, to taste




1. In your food processor,  pulse the strawberries, mango, bell pepper, shallot, jalapeno, oil, cilantro, 2 tablespoons of lime juice, and 3 teaspoons of the agave until puréed but still with some texture.

2. In a small bowl,  combine the Greek yogurt, remaining 2 tablespoons of lime juice, and the remaining 1 teaspoon of  agave, mixing until smooth.

3. Ladle the gazpacho into your serving bowls, topping with a dollop of the lime-yogurt, and season with flaky sea salt.


Source:  Adapted from Vegetarian Times.

June 9, 2013 - 8:08 pm

Maria Tadic - I’m totally the same way about cold soups. I want to like them. And it’s not that I dislike them per say. They’re just…weird. I have to take a few bites before I get used to the coldness in my mouth! But this sounds super interesting. I do enjoy gazpacho! Will try!

June 10, 2013 - 9:05 pm

Mr. & Mrs. P - Sound so refreshing.. Perfect for summer

June 17, 2013 - 12:33 am

Maria - Cold soups also give me the heebie jeebies, but your post almost-but-not-quite-yet has me ready to try this one… I am certainly encouraged by your descriptions…

Pineapple-Mango-Avocado Salsa



I think there should be some sort of grocery store etiquette guide.

Let’s think about this:  lots of people (who are all probably really hungry-which can bring out monsters in people, let’s be honest) pushing around wheeling metal carts (potential weapons) with small, narrow aisles, lots of decisions to make, and a probable desire not to be in the grocery store to begin with.  Now, I don’t mind going to the grocery store (as long as it’s 8 am on a Saturday morning or in the middle of some intense/super important televised sporting event), but I would bet many people are just thinking of the next place they have to be after buying their groceries.  Or mostly about what they are going to be eating later.  Or which one is parsley and which one is cilantro.

I almost whipped my camera out the other day in the middle of one of these semi-frustrating trips to my local Whole Foods, but then I realized I would be contributing to the problem (if I wasn’t self-aware enough to realize that maybe I already was in some way).  It was a random, empty cart-left by its owner (over-zealous about the tomatoes three bins over), who had left it, completely stranded in the middle of the produce section.  Now, when you are in a grocery store (especially one in the middle of a city), space is tight.  There are no mini-carts at my Whole Foods (which would be an incredible addition…I mean, seriously, does anyone have enough money to buy the groceries that would actually fill a whole cart?  And, the whole concept of a Whole Foods, in my own opinion, is one of small, multiple trips to buy fresh produce that would go bad if you make a trip every two weeks or so, right?  Am I wrong here?  I will admit that they do have the little roll ones that look like carry-on luggage, but I don’t trust myself with dragging anything behind me with eggs on it and hard floors, knowing my tendency to trip)  Anyways, I digress.  The point is that this particular person wasn’t even paying attention to the people walking behind her (myself included…big metal cart and all), and just ditched her lonely cart-stopping up traffic and forcing the rest of us to jam up behind her and re-route past the dreaded middle bin where they place things like olive oil and basil at knee level on end displays where inevitably someone’s cart will knock everything over (like mine.)

I hope you are catching my sarcasm here.  This is seriously, in the grand scheme of life, not a big deal at all.  I just think this is a comical observation and thought my foodie friends might have had similar experiences.

So you leave produce and head on over to the aisles where the threat of claustrophobia sets in a little.  And there he/she is:  the phone talker.  And I am not talking like, “Hi honey.  Do we need any coffee?  What about bread-are we ok?  I forgot to check.”  No, I’m talking about the person yakking away on their cell phone about their trip last summer to Cape Cod, head tilted over towards their neck to hold the phone in place as they use one hand to steer the cart and the other to absent-mindedly grab at packaged rice.  Or, they are using a headpiece and freak you out as they begin randomly talking as you walk past….maybe you even say something in return because you think they are talking to you.  The worst type is the one who talks extremely fast but just leisurely (and very slowly) strolls down the aisle because, hey! it’s hard to do two things at once, right?

And then we have the indecisive/extremely decisive, lack of personal space shopper.  The one that will stand in front of the yogurts and just stare.  Now, there are a lot of choices out there, I know.  It can be overwhelming.  But, at least compare nutritional facts or something!  Pick something up and at least look like you have a reason to be studying it-grams of fiber, maybe?  If someone is doing this, a five minute stance at the yogurt area is reasonable-there’s work being done.  And, if someone comes up behind you and they can’t really reach the Fage because you are standing in the way/would cause an extremely awkward reach-around situation, just move over to the side a smidge and say, “Excuse me.”  It’s the right thing to do.  The opposite of this is true, too.  Sometimes people don’t hear someone come up behind them.  They are too focused on the yogurt.  But a rude, within three centimeters of someone’s body parts grab for the Fage with a simultaneous roll of the eyes/sigh can come across as an extremely unexpected and obnoxious gesture.  Don’t be either of those people.

And don’t be the person that has to stop at every single station (two or three times) and sample every chip, pretzel, piece of fruit, etc while simultaneously blocking the aisle.  The samples are free and delicious.  But that’s why they are sample-sized.  Just one should do.  Leave some for the rest of us.  It’s not a buffet.

So where does that leave us?   Besides the unforgivable act of going in the fast check-out lane when you have more than 10 items (I counted your basket-you had 18) or leaving your empty cart in your parking space because you are too busy to walk it over three spaces, we are left with the inevitable awkwardness that comes with an extremely extroverted cashier.  “Oh, wow.  Those barbecue chips look soooo good…is this your first time trying them?”  “Have you tried tofu jerky yet?”  “Wow, that’s a lot of cheese, there.”  “Big plans this weekend (eyeing the bottle of vodka next to the bottle of wine…)?”  “I see you are buying chocolate time I had chocolate cake in Las Vegas where I went to visit my sister’s brother’s uncle’s nephew.”  Listen, lady/man/teen, I am already embarrassed about the insane amount of cheese I am planning on eating as soon as I get home, but let’s just keep it between us.  I don’t need people in the line next to me looking over just to see how much cheese that chick is buying…holy smokes.

So, in the end, as I am leaving the other day, I am inevitably in front of the cart-abandoning tomato-gawking woman (see above). I’m putting my cart dutifully away in the cart section, when she literally uses most of her body weight in launching her monster cart -in a general direction-near maybe where the carts might be….maybe.  I mean, this thing had some momentum, but not enough because it stopped about 10 feet away from the other carts….again…in the middle of the produce section.  She immediately headed down the escalators, chatting with a friend, not even looking to see where the cart ended up (into my hip, actually, thanks.)  Feeling defeated and a little like a punished child, I sighed and rolled her cart where it belonged….knowing immediately that it was time to write my grocery store etiquette post without feeling guilty.

***As a sidenote, none of this is particular to Whole Foods.  I love Whole Foods (especially the cheese, as I have mentioned ad nauseum as well as their delicious salted chocolate caramels which are like crack and are kept on my coffee table within arm’s reach instead of in the pantry where they would be out of sight/out of mind.)  I’ve lived in a lot of places and shopped at a lot of places, and this type of thing happens everywhere.  Or, maybe it just happens to me because I notice it more.  Who knows?

Anyways, this Pineapple-Mango-Avocado Salsa is pretty awesome.  I was, actually, inspired by the pineapple mango salsa I sampled at the Whole Foods in Carmel, Indiana, a few months ago.  It was sweet but spicy and a little bit crunchy.  What’s not to love?  And it is pretty much up to you how to make this-add in what you like, subtract what you don’t, and, always always, adjust it to your own tastes.  It’s a nice diversion from the standard tomato-based version.





Pineapple-Mango-Avocado Salsa

Servings: 6



1 ripe avocado, pitted, peeled, and diced

1 mango, seeded and flesh diced

1 Roma tomato, seeded and diced

1/3  cup red onion, diced

1 cup chopped pineapple

1 kiwi, chopped

1 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

Grated zest and juice of one lime

1/4 cup cilantro, chopped

Salt and pepper, to taste



1. In a medium bowl, mix all of the ingredients, tossing gently to combine.

2. Cover and chill until serving time…or serve immediately.


Source:  A Curvy Carrot original

June 5, 2013 - 9:26 am

Mary Beth - PLEASE tell me you’ve seen this hilarious video about Whole Foods:
Your post is so true… and the salsa looks amazing!

June 5, 2013 - 9:52 am

srlacy - Oh my gosh…that’s freaking hilarious! I love the dude in front of the quinoa part. I have never seen it, and now I totally need to be friends with that guy. 🙂

June 5, 2013 - 11:48 am

Mr. & Mrs. P - Fun, Fresh, and summery!! Its perfect!

June 5, 2013 - 1:49 pm

Curmudgeon - Glad I’m not the only one that feels this way. We don’t have Whole Foods, but we do have Wegman’s – where no one ever shops alone. One person parks the cart in the middle of the aisle while rest of the party divides themselves evenly to take up the entire aisle. All are discussing the merits of each product so loudly that no one hears, “Excuse me, please. Can I get by?” Many times I’ve thought of customizing my cart Ben Hur style!

June 5, 2013 - 6:47 pm

Virginia - I’m surprised you didn’t mention the people who almost run you over in the parking lot.. those get me every time. I’m looking forward to trying this salsa– I’ve been on a mango kick lately and this looks so versatile. I’m seeing it on salads, with some cheese as bruschetta (maybe a nice creamy brie?), and maybe made into some of those summer fruit quesadillas you posted last summer. This is of course, assuming I don’t eat the whole thing with a spoon.

June 5, 2013 - 11:34 pm

Maria - Hilarious. LOL hilarious. You captured the frustrations of the grocery-store challenged idiots out there. Love the previous post just as much about the guy trying to hit on you. Thanks for the entertainment : )

June 6, 2013 - 12:40 am

Cindy - I love all varieties of mango salsa. Nice touch adding the pineapple. 🙂 I know it’s probably meant to be more of a mild/fruity salsa, but I think it could be really yummy with the addition of a pepper for some heat.

June 6, 2013 - 12:44 pm

srlacy - I agree!

June 6, 2013 - 1:29 pm

georgia - HaHa! I thought for a moment you were talking about me when I randomly left my cart in the middle of the aisle at whole foods in Carmel, Indiana. You looked at me and said Mom don’t be one of those people! We laughed! And by the way the salsa is wonderful!

June 6, 2013 - 2:02 pm

srlacy - Yes, seriously, don’t be one of those people, Mom. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

June 17, 2013 - 1:26 pm

Monday Munchies | Captivated by Cooking - […] The Curvy Carrot recently posted a recipe for pineapple-mango-avocado salsa that you can find here. A few weekends ago I went on a girl’s only trip with my mom, sisters, and some of my […]

May 12, 2014 - 4:39 pm

Laura Gilbert - You are hilarious! I sooo feel you on all of these points. (I thought I was the only one thinking these things) LOL . I’m mac
king this salsa tonight for pork tacos. I thought about fish tacos, but had roast pork left from yesterday. I will definitely be back to follow.
P.s. an accidental clip of the heel w/the buggy works well to move people. LOL (J.K.) ☆ rock on.