Category Archives: Breads/Muffins/Etc.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread
I spent last Sunday in the local emergency room with a busted-up finger and a huge bruise/scrape on my chin. I wonView full post »

Garden Vegetable Bagel Melts (and a Giveaway!)
I think some of you have commiserated with me before about small living spaces and over-reactive smoke detectors. InView full post »

Cheesy Roasted Garlic Bread
I’m a firm believer in super cheesy, super garlicky garlic bread. If I’m going to dive right into a carb,View full post »

Cherry Yogurt Coffee Cake
I have my younger sister to thank for a recent onslaught of nightmares. Does anyone else out there watch The FollowingView full post »

Raspberry Apricot Scones
I made some “proper” British-style scones after I saw this recipe in Cook’s Illustrated. As aView full post »

Roasted Banana Bars with Browned Butter Frosting
Does anyone else out there freeze bananas? The reason I ask is because I sometimes have a hard time “View full post »

Chipotle Cheddar Cornbread
I find cornbread an often overlooked and understated quick bread companion to most meals (at least in my book). Then IView full post »

Triple Chocolate Scones
This is an impromptu post. In honor of the season premier of the fourth season of Downton Abbey tonightView full post »

Bananas Foster Breakfast Strata
Come and get your Christmas carbs, ladies and gentlemen. The December 2013 issue of Cooking Light, was, far andView full post »

Whole Wheat Beer Cheese Bread
I know I just posted a Cheddar Ale Soup. But I’ve kind of been on a serious beer/cheese kick lately. I thinkView full post »

Pumpkin Spice Muffins with Cinnamon Streusel Topping
I know there are a million pumpkin muffin recipes out there. Really. But this is one you will want to try, I promiseView full post »

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Scones
Every single food blogger out there is blogging about fall and posting pumpkin recipes right now. MyselfView full post »

Chai Banana Bread
I’m a chai fan. Oh yeah. Especially this time of year. I know everyone gets all hyped up onView full post »

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mini Muffins
These are vegan. Yes, vegan. Doesn’t look like it, does it? I know a lot of people outView full post »

Blueberry Lemon Muffins with Cream Cheese Glaze
The other day, while in a brave attempt to clean out one of my closets (shudder….), I came across a hand-View full post »