Category Archives: Beans

Spinach White Bean Avocado Quinoa “BLT” Wraps
I have recently discovered cycling, and I think it just might be “one of my sports”. Not a runner, not anView full post »

Roasted Vegetable Burritos
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances of survival of life on earth as much asView full post »

Minestrone Soup
There’s something incredibly satisfying about using up a whole bunch of random ingredients at one timeView full post »

White Bean and Hominy Chipotle Chili
This time of year screams “chili weather.” Or “football food”. Or, you know,View full post »

Earthbound Farm Spinach Salad with Beans, Beets, and Halloumi
I’ve got some exciting news to share. I’m actually really proud of it. If you read this blog, youView full post »

Baked Bean Chimichangas
It’s really cold here in Milwaukee. And probably everywhere else in the non-Southern UnitedView full post »

Spicy Bean Chili with Quinoa and Kale
I got back from California (Earthbound Farm is amazing, posts soon to follow), and it was suddenly autumn inView full post »

Brazilian Black Bean Soup
I think I can officially label myself as “exhausted”. Three weeks ago, Annie, Courtney, and I met upView full post »

Mexican Pizzas
Oh, hey, it’s Mexican Pizza time, people. So this is one of those hectic weeknight “what am I goingView full post »

Black Bean and Quinoa Soft Tacos
I’m going to ramble on and on about how tasty these little tacos are. So bear with me, ok? Ok.  View full post »

Southwestern “Falafel” with Poached Egg
This is going to be short post. I’m typing this almost completely one-handed. Why? Because IView full post »

Breakfast Soft Tacos
Okay. Okay. I get it. Mexican cuisine for breakfast is pretty amazing. I mean, the king of MexicanView full post »

Another Cinco De Mayo Round-Up
I always forget to do round-ups. I don’t know why because I love reading them on other people’View full post »

Black Bean Salsa
There’s something a little depressing when the cashier at Target looks at your stack of random stuff on theView full post »

Black Bean Salsa Chili with Avocado Cream
Spring is taunting me. It got a little bit warmer here for a while, the sun was shining, and I mistakenly thought (andView full post »